I am craving for ...
Harem pants
Harem pants ? everybody knows Harem Pants. Fashion uses it nowadays. local designer, international brand, all produce this kind of pants. Catchy, Simple, Comfortable. That's Harem Pants!
Then... i found this website http://filendra.com/ . They sell many kinds of Moslem wears . And the most important for me is... They sell Harem Pants. So lucky i found this website, cause the Harem Pants they sell is the stunning one! hehe . the design is unique. i want the Black one, please !!
They have facebook and fans page too, you can search them on facebook . Their facebook that i knew is this ---> BusanaMuslim Filendra . Go click - check - then buy their cool stuffs, Loves ! :)
While searching for Harem pants, I found " Capes" on Filendra's website too :) and... i want them too :p hehehe. Usually people wear Cape in fall but i guess this cape is not as heavy as the fall or winter capes. I guess theirs is just for fashion. so, please let it be mine :p
FIlendra's Cape...
They produce many kinds of cape designs , you may check their website to get more stuffs and designs.
I am craving for...
Reviewed by anton chang